Fortuny Consulting allows you to accelerate your business growth and move away from old-fashioned business concepts to innovative growth strategies that work

It’s no secret we humans are designed to work in teams, not independently as solo-riders. Our brains are wired to perform best when we are in a group,…a community. We crave personal connection, and being part of a tribe, as this boosts our feeling of belonging, our feeling of being valued, resulting in greater level of happiness, fulfillment, and achievement.

Building a solid COMMUNITY is therefore the 2nd Pillar of building a strong support system for success.

What are the key ways of building such powerful community for you and your business?

 #1 Create a Loving Inner Circle

Surround yourself with people that love you, support you, admire you, and care for you, boosting your energy every day. Literally cherry-pick those to share your ups and downs with, get an honest advice from or get purposely distracted from the current troubling situation.

And don’t forget that it is about quality rather than quantity as: “Sometimes your inner circle decreases in size, but increases in value”.

  • Who from your family or friends gives you most energy boost?
  • Who challenges you in a way to help you grow?
  • Who is always there, no matter what, for you?

#2 Join an Accountability Group

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will inspire you, push you, check on you, share with you, achieving greater success together, …faster. Join an hands-on and pro-action group where you can discuss your current challenges, getting nuggets of wisdom from other professionals who tackled the problem before you, getting unstuck. Be held accountable for the targets you set for each day/week/month having a body to validate if your targets are feasible and on track.

Can’t find one? Create one, reminding yourself that “You become the average of the five people you hang out with”.

  • Which Accountability are running in your city?
  • What individuals would you like to co-create and grow with?
  • What are your key struggles an accountability group could help you with?

 #3 Build a Powerful Network

Surround yourself with other successful professionals – any by successful I mean those being: happy, loving their work, being driven and rich in spirit. Eliminate chit-chat or come-and-complain clubs, that will just drain your energy and eat your precious time, being your most scarce asset. Be clear on what networking events or circles your attend, making sure you know what is the purpose of you joining each event. Who will be there? Who do you want to speak with? What are you looking for? (advice / partners / investors / accountability group prospects…). Do your due diligence in preparing for the event. Be careful with free events as the quality of speakers, audience and content can be affected.

Be selective, be prepared, and remember: “If you are the smartest one in the room, you are in the wrong room”.

  • What events take place in your city / country / region in next week/month/year? Are they online or face-to-face? (Research online, or check ,, Facebook events, …)
  • What organization / association can you become part of to join exclusive access to their events?
  • What events is your existing network finding of value and going to regularly?

 #4 Get a Mentor

Find a person who already achieved what you want to achieve, a person who carries the knowledge or resources you and your business lacks at the moment, a person you admire and trust. Connect with him/her, get invaluable know-how and start modelling the steps to bring you towards the desired achievement. Look inside your current network but also beyond.

This is an ultimate speed-track to success, rather than spending sleepless nights by online research, course and book study or trial and error, because “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction.”

  • What do you expect from a Mentor: what kind of knowledge, expertise and availability?
  • Who are your Mentor prospects and what can you offer in return for their Mentoring?
  • What paid Mentoring programs are there? (Platforms, Organizations, expert professionals…)?


Do you have a strong, inspiring and loving community of people around you? Do you have a solid community of experts and like-minded professionals who support you in achieving continuous personal and professional growth?

Get the foundation of achieving sustainable success right and start creating a winning support system!